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East Vs West!

There isn't a single test
to judge which is the best
is it the traditional culture of the east
or the advanced nature of the west?

People out there more tuned to keep clean
most roads would have a lovely sheen
Over here garbage strewn can be seen
litter litter even by a educated teen.

Be it a white collar job or crude
they tend to have more gratitude
smiling even at a stranger dude
provides you with a positive attitude

For our kids' future to pave
we keep sacrificing and save
To get more and more we crave
but in enjoying ourselves are naive

Weekends they'd be off in travel
gives them time to unwind, unravel
We out here don't spend much leisure
and continue to sacrifice our pleasure

Families over here are tightly knit
they can give comfort when down in the pit
Bonding helps keep families together
even when physical distance is farther

Here we stay for long as dependent
comfortably under the umbrella of our parent
Traditional food here is generally healthy
but it's changing bcoz we ape the trendy

Here we value all of our education,
cherish marriage as an institution.
A lot of good health and immunization,
present in our grandparent's dictation.

Parents here decide who will be our partner
and often it is some unknown stranger
with whom life could be like a flower
or end up with day & night in a banter

Extremities can lead to times of depression
better would be to have in both moderation
Just like it's nice to pick a partner known
whom you know as a good friend borne
someone whom parents will love
and accept with an open glove

picking from east and west the good tide
can lead to life with a lovely smile wide

- SS

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