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KR-38 Searching for Special Characters

When you search within a member using FIND, the following might be helpful:

P'=' Any character 
P'¬' Any character that is not a blank 
P'.' Any character that cannot be displayed 
P'#' Any numeric character, 0-9 
P'-' Any non-numeric character 
P'@' Any alphabetic character, uppercase or lowercase
P'>' Any uppercase alphabetic character 
P'$' Any special character, neither alphabetic nor numeric. 

For example: if we type the following on the command line (in view/edit mode):

F P'.'

this is equivalent to saying "find any character that cannot be displayed". This is useful when you are searching for hexadecimal junk values (which are not displayed in view/edit modes) - junk characters can be introduced by TextPad (if you use the TAB character).


KR-39 TSO tip- appending datasets in 3.4

When in option 3.4 (with a listing of datasets), you might want to see some more datasets (which have a different qualifier than those listed). To do this just type APPEND 'datasetname' in the COMMAND line. 
For example, say we've entered option 3.4 by typing 'test.dummy.files'. But now if we want to see the data sets beginning with (under the same listing screen) then just type APPEND 'TEST.NEW.FILES' on the command line

Now you'll find this list appended to the existing list.

KR-40 TSO tips

1.) To edit a member, you usually go thro 3.4, select the PDS and then within the PDS you search for the member you want to edit (pressing pageup and pagedown)

One shortcut way is to issue the command (on the command line):


This will directly enter the first member whose name starts in CBL in edit mode. You can also specify the full member name (instead of using *).

General syntax: S member-name MODE

where MODE can be B / E / V 

2.) Usually to find the last edited member, we issue SORT CHA or SORT CHANGED on the command line.

One can save few keystrokes by placing the cursor on any of the column header in the ISPF 3.4, and press ENTER. 
In our case, if we place the cursor on the CHANGED header, we will get the members sorted on that column.


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