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KR edition 193 - 196

KR-193* (FREEZE command in INSYNC)

While working with INSYNC, have you ever wondered if there is a way to FREEZE certain columns, so that you can compare particular column values side by side?

KR Contributed by Santanu Pathak

The FREEZE primary command is used in TFORMAT (TFMT) mode in INSYNC, to fix columns on the left hand side of the screen so that they don't scroll off the screen when RIGHT or LEFT scrolling commands are entered.

To freeze a column on the left hand side enter
FREEZE ON column-name or FREEZE column-name

To un-freeze a column making it scrollable again enter
FREEZE OFF column-name

To un-freeze all columns enter

When you FREEZE a particular column, the column will be moved to the left most position and all other columns will be displayed in order. You can also FREEZE multiple columns, by entering ‘FREEZE column-name’ one after the other. This helps you in comparing values of required columns side-by-side.

The FREEZE command works for INSYNC for DB2 also. Note that FREEZE command is active only in TFORMAT (TFMT) mode.

KR-194* (Useful commands in INSYNC 1) COLW

Hi everyone,

The last KR dealt with FREEZE command in INSYNC. We will see some useful commands in INSYNC in KRs to follow.

COLW command

  • The COLWIDTH (abbreviation COLW) primary command entered from BROWSE or EDIT in TFMT mode sets the maximum display width of ALL fields.

  • The default width for each field is set individually, according to the field’s attributes and the field headings (minimum of 5).

  • The COLW command followed by a number (Eg: COLW 7) sets the maximum width to display for ALL fields (The minimum column width is 5).

  • If the COLW RESET, COLW 0 or just COLW commands are entered all fields revert to their default widths.

  • The COLW DATA command will set the column widths according to the fields attributes ignoring the field headings

  • In EDIT mode, if COLW is set to a value which is less than the length of a field on the screen, then that field is protected and cannot be updated.

The command works for INSYNC for DB2 also.

Did you know that you can enter S (command) for details of how to specify the search string from the listing screen (you need not go out with F3 to specify a new search criteria). In INSYNC for DB2, S command will take you to panel where you can modify the sql.

KR-195* (Useful commands in INSYNC 2) EXCLUDE

Continuing with commands in INSYNC

EXCLUDE command (Abbreviations: EX, X)

The EXCLUDE command is used to specify fields or groups of fields whose display is to be suppressed from subsequently displayed records.

To EXCLUDE particular fields (either in TFMT or formatted mode), give the command X ON, which takes you to the panel where you can:

a.) Type the "X" line command against specific field(s) to exclude them individually. Suppression of a block of fields is specified by using a pair of "XX" line commands OR

b.) Type the "I" line command against specific field(s) to include them individually. Inclusion of a block of fields is specified by using a pair of "II" line commands. All other fields will be suppressed (This allows you to select only the fields you want).

  • Messages are displayed to inform you which field numbers have been excluded. If you wish to suppress these messages, use the SHADOW OFF command.

  • Field suppression will remain in effect until an EXCLUDE OFF (X OFF) command is entered. To re-activate field suppression enter the EXCLUDE ON command from the record display panel.

  • On subsequent EXCLUDE commands (without ON or OFF), the record format will display those exclusions requested from the previous EXCLUDE command. Enter RESET on the exclude panel to delete previously entered exclusions.

  • The command works for INSYNC for DB2 also.

KR-196* (Useful commands in INSYNC 3) FS

Continuing with commands in INSYNC

FS command

  • The FS command is used to switch between full screen mode and single record mode in INS.

  • To switch to full screen mode from single record mode enter FS or FS ON. The currently displayed record will be the record displayed at the top of the screen in full screen mode.

  • To switch to single record mode from full screen mode enter FS OFF. The record at the top of the full screen display will displayed in either formatted or unformatted single record mode, depending on the previous setting of the single screen display mode.

  • The FS command is not supported in INSYNC for DB2.

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