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KR edition 197 - 200

KR-197* (Useful commands in INSYNC 4) HHOLD

Continuing with commands in INSYNC

HHOLD command

The HORIHOLD or HHOLD command is used to control whether current field position will be maintained when switching between the following display modes:- Single record formatted, Fullscreen and TFORMAT.

  • Enter HORIHOLD or HHOLD ON to maintain field position between display modes.

  • With HHOLD command we can specify from which field position, the records have to be displayed while switching between different modes.

  • Enter HORIHOLD or HHOLD OFF to display records from the start when switching between modes. The current setting of HORIHOLD is maintained for subsequent INSYNC sessions.

  • The HORIHOLD or HHOLD command works for INSYNC for DB2 also.

KR-198* (Useful commands in INSYNC 5) SHOW88

SHOW88 command

While in browse/edit mode in INSYNC, using copybook, ever wanted to hide/display the 88 level variables in the copybook?The command SHOW88 ON/OFF can be used for this:

  • SHOW88 ON displays all 88 level values and their associated data

  • SHOW88 OFF the 88 level values are not displayed.

  • The Command works only in Single record format; and not in Fullscreen/TFORMAT modes.

KR-199* (Useful commands in INSYNC 6) LAYOUT

LAYOUT command

While in browse/edit mode in INSYNC, using copybook, ever wanted to see the layout of the copybook being used without switching to another screen?

  • The LAYOUT command displays a COBOL or PL/1 layout of the copybook as interpreted by INSYNC.

  • The LAYOUT command can be entered from the formatted BROWSE, EDIT, CREATE, FIND or CHANGE panels.

  • When the record description is displayed, occurs statements can be expanded to display the field sequence numbers and start locations of individual fields within each occurrence by entering the EXPAND or EXP primary command. Once a record description has been expanded, it can be returned to its original compressed form by entering the COMPRESS or COMP primary command.

  • To terminate a record LAYOUT display, hit PF3.

KR-200* (Useful commands in INSYNC 7) INDENT

INDENT command

While in browse/edit mode in INSYNC, using copybook, ever wanted to indent/unindent the fields in the copybook according to their level numbers?

The command INDENT ON/OFF can be used for this:

  • INDENT ON indents field names based on the COBOL or PL/1 level number.

  • INDENT OFF left aligns all level numbers & field names.

  • Default is INDENT ON. This Command works only in Single record format; and not in Fullscreen/TFORMAT modes.

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