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KR-228* How to execute REXX codes


Addendum to the REXX crash course series.


4 ways to execute REXX codes


1.) Foreground execution


Prefix member name by EXEC within the member listing screen – the method we’ve been using so far.


2.) Another foreground method


Type TSO EXEC 'pds(rexx-member)' on the command line on any screen.


3.) Foreground again (most commonly used method)

  • To run the rexx exec without giving specifying the path we can allocate the PDS containing the REXX member to SYSEXEC or SYSPROC -> these are the files that are searched to locate execs.
  • Usually SYSPROC contains all user created CLISTS; so we can append our dataset to this (SYSPROC is like a dd-name to which datasets can be concatenated) -> use the ISRDDN command to check datasets allocated in your session.
  • To allocate datasets to SYSPROC use the following TSO command: CONCAT FILE(SYSPROC) DA('pds name') SHR REUSE
  • Now if your REXX code is called CREATOR then you can just say TSO CREATOR on any screen to invoke the tool. We can also say: %CREATOR
  • One question is should I execute the CONCAT command each time I log into mainframes?
    Yes - there are a couple of ways to circumvent this: take advantage of the initial logon screen where you can specify commands to be executed on logging in. Another option is that your mainframe might already have a specific dataset that is executed for each user on logging in; in this case just add the CONCAT step to this file.

4.) Running a REXX exec in batch


Write a jcl step to execute the tso program IKJEFT01.

In the SYSTSIN card we can give the TSO commands to be executed.




If you want to pass arguments to your program, then use:

//SYSTSIN DD * %CREATOR arg1 arg2


(CREATOR code should then have an ARG statement to capture the arguments).