CROSSWORD (Chapters 12 to 14)


Instructions for use


Click once on applet to start.

Score tracker

Number of attempts:

If all squares are black then you've cracked the crossword.

A score less than 120 is good (105 or less is great). Anything more than 135 means you've tried to guess many of the squares.


If the grid doesn't appear you can click here to view a snapshot of the grid


Clues repeated:




1.) This is similar to the original (and only) casting available in C. (6)
6.) Something generic. Could be a function or even a class (8)
7.) Simple sorted unique associative container. Important in tennis! (3)
8.) Data structure that illustrates the principle of life; first come first serve (5)
11.) An acronym for a standard set of templates available in C++ (3)
12.) Interpret again! A cast to convert between pointer types. (11).
13.) Cannot use me alone. Use me only if you use 3D. (5)
14.) A famous acronym. Equivalent to the early bird catches the worm. (4).
16.) When you go shopping you might find this data structure useful. (4)
17.) A type of casting used in inheritance. (7).

2.) It could be a family, coconut, banyan, mango or even binary! (4)
3.) Heathrow airport has it! An important statement in exception handling. (5)
4.) Forcing a particular data type to behave like another. (4).
5.) We use these smart pointers in the Standard Template Library (8).
9.) A program should handle these things which do not follow the rule (9).
10.) Before coding it is good practice to write this; it defines the program flow (9)
11.) It would be great if we would get the movie ticket first even though we came last! (5)
13.) This cast will help get rid of constant-ness (5).
15.) For an exception to be generated it should be enclosed in this block. (3)



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