KR editions 53 to 54
KR-53 Duplicate jobs in spool
Be careful about the jobname when submitting jobs. If you submit 2 jobs at the same time with the same name/ if you submitted a job and if someone else also submitted a job with the same name as yours; then the one which gets picked up first will start executing and the other one will be marked as a duplicate. It'll run only after the first one completed; why? because jobs are identified by jobnames and if you have 2 jobs with the same name, the OS will assume that you are attempting to submit the same job twice. How do we know of a duplicate? In your spool if the job is in execution stage but isn't executing (jobs currently being executed will be highlighted) and if there is a "D" at the end then it denotes yours has been marked a duplicate. Actually if you move to the right, you'll see the word DUP (and the column name is STATUS - just scroll to the right in your spool and you'll discover many other columns!). Note: If both jobs are in the same execution queue then one job will be queued behind the other (won't be marked a duplicate). If both jobs are in different queues (one is X and one is Y) with the same jobname then the one which came second is a duplicate. Tip: Use your usedID in the job name.
KR-54 JCL listing (XX,++,X/ ?)
Some info about the JCL listings in our SPOOL. When we run a JCL that calls a PROC, we get some XX, ++, X/, // stuff in our JCL listing. Let's recap on what each of them mean:
When you submit the JCL, the JCL Listing will be as shown below (JESJCL in our spool):
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